Tuesday, December 9, 2014

401(k) Plan: An Easy and Practical Way to Prepare your Pensions

401(k) is a retirement or pension savings offered to you and sponsored by your employer. This program lets the employers to prepare their pension or retirement by saving and invest a part of their paycheck before the tax taken out. The name of 401(k) plan was taken from the section number and paragraph in the Internal Revenue Code, i.e. section 401, paragraph (k).

How does 401(k) plan works?

This is how 401(k) plan works: An employee decides the amount of money can contribute, then the employer puts the money into the individual account on the behalf of the employee. The money to contribute is directly deducted from the paycheck the employee should receive. It is such a simple to prepare your future life during the retirement time. You need not even lift any single finger on it. Your employer will hire a certain company to manage your investment. The company is called as an administrator. The administrator can be a mutual fun company (e.g: Fidelity, Vanguar, or T. Rowe Price), or a brokerage firm, or even an insurance company (e.g. Prudential Life Assurance, Jackson Life, and the like).

The employer where you work for will send the deduction to the administrator. Your responsibility is to decide which portofolio you are to invest as offered by the administering company. There are at least four kinds of mutual funds you can choose as to invest your deducted money from your paycheck. 

Below are the mutual funds you can choose while investing your money on 401(k):

1. Growth Funds 

This kind of fund is a fund which buys stocks in companies that are increasing rapidly in value. Eventhough it offers you higher return on investment, but the risk is much higher than other funds. Besides, it also takes you a higher fees associated the fund as the stocks are sold more often. The funds are more aggressive than others, as a consequence, the growth is greatest over long period of time. It is suitable for you who plan your pensions in more than 10 years. 

2. Value Funds 

It is a fund that purchase stocks when they are undervalued and holds them as they grow. These stocks are rarely traded, then the fee for the fund management is lower than the growth funds. The risk associated with the funds is also lower. This fund is conservative in nature.

3. Index Funds 

This third kind of funds is a fund that is to match the growth of the various indexes, e.g. the NASDAQ and the S&P 500. As the stocks included in this kind of funds do not often sell, the fees associated with the funds are generally the lowest among the other funds. 

4. Blend Funds 

A blend fund is a fund that mixes its holdings with the portions of the other types of funds. The risk is more spread out, still it can also limit the potential growth available. If you want to make the best blend funds investment, you would better to choose the fund with a good performance record.

How much is the limit of the 401(k)?

As the money invested in this program is directly deducted from your payroll that will influence the cash you would receive, it would be better for you to invest no more than 3 percent of the total paycheck.

For example, if you put in 3% of your US$60,000 paycheck, or US$1,800, then your employer puts another US$1,800. You could add more another US$1,800 yourself, yet the company will not match beyond 3 percent. 

By taking part in this 401(k) plan, it will a lot of sense to participate in it as soon as possible. The earlier you start, the better result you will have at the retirement period of time later. You will be amazed, for instance you start invest at the age of 25, you will be more likely to have a million of dollars or two or even more in your account by the time you retire. 

Then, why don't you start taking part in the program of 401(k) plan as soon as possible?

Happy investing! 


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